Monday, 9 June 2008



A road beaten through the wilderness. Find a track in your space today. I went for Train Track, possibly one of the most famous and sickening train tracks in history, This is the picture i took from Birkenau AKA Aushwitz II. This was a place of such vicious cruelty and i wasn't sure how i would feel going. It was an overwhelmingly emotional day and one that will never be forgotten. When people ask you how was it you look miserable coz there are no words, amazing is wrong fasenating is sick but when you say sad upsetting and emotional people ask why you went, but it is such a huge part of our European History, No British people where taken there (some did go to Aushwitz III) but i think if you ever go to Krakow in Poland you have to Visit!!! Ok i'll shut up now !!!


Zoe said...

Great shot and certainly more thought provoking than L's puzzle!

Deanne said...

It even looked a sad shot before I read your words!

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