Friday, 29 August 2008

Other ltrs

CX Z O & H A Very dodgy D

Y for yoyoyo dude

if u close your eyes a bit and wiggle your nose the lid of my purfume bottle looks like a Y. E for Echo i know that someone else has had this E as one of there E's but not with a photo

Tuesday, 26 August 2008


no W yet but i have an O i actually took it on friday before i knew what the ltr of the day was, i was randomly snapping letters i saw arounf my house/ garden

Saturday, 23 August 2008


Wow its been a while since i have done one of these My SPS is my cat and i know i go on about her a lot but any pet owners will know that the simple pet is not just an animal it becomes part of the family a human in a furry suit with bad verbal skills!!! recently we had a brand new leather suite and new cushions, my mum said she won't get one till the cat had passed into the other world but at only 10 yrs ols (how we have not broke her is a mirical!) she is showing no signs of popping her furry clogs, so Mama mia decided to get one anyway (a new suite that is incase u are lost!) and decided that cat would not be allowed into the front room unsupervised!!! Haha any cat owners will know there is no way u can tell a cat what to do!!! it started off so well cat was shut in kitchen and dining room (with cat flap access) when we where out and at night, but dear old kitty anne has started sleeping behind the sofa and not budging at bed time so u have no choice but to leave her un-supervised unless u famcy a mad half hour of chasing her round!!! well anyway i ramble as i am drunk i got home tonight at 1am, been to a pub with my mates (thats a story for another time!) when i opened the door to the front room i could sense something was differnt, when i looked the cat was lied on top of a new cushion on the new sofa!!! haha OMG i have found her in a similar postion before, i didn't dare mover her as i thought cat clawes new leather suite could be a bad / dangerous combination!!! so i wipped out the camer and took a few snaps!!! i have also changed the desk top pic on my mums area of the computer incase i forget about the curoius incident of the naughty kitty in the night time. !!!! Look how smug she looks!!!

Friday, 22 August 2008

ABC 123

Or maybe not Suzy B has taken over and she is getting us to re-learn our alphabet in her own unique order!! haha well it is keeping us on our toes, this week i have been peeking and trying to think of promts to post S for Sugar S stumped me which it did for a lot of people, but my name begins with S so surly i will have loads of stuff with S's on it... well No is the simple answer and i don't know why. Monday night i stalked the inside of my house S S S S S S hmmmmmmmmmm nope Nada Nil could i see one. so i decided to draw one. Cheet i know but i did photograph it so can it count Then last night as i was stalking the outside for a Q V J i spotted the hanging basket bracket but from where i was stood it was reversed. This morning i went and stood at the bottom of the steps and Zoomed in!!! But as i stil here and type i can see another S in the magazine rack. V for Victory V now this one also proved trick as i'd had a sneeky peek at other people shots at this point n didn't want to "copy" but this morning i decided tio venture outside and on the floor was tape type stuff on the floor, i have no idea what it is or where it has come from, now i wasn't going ti use it as it looks slightly posed but i can promise you that it wasn't!!! J for Jericho easier than expected. Q for Quebec Easy peasy lemon Squeezy!!!! B for Boobies (ooooo er missus) haha not exactly boobies

Friday, 15 August 2008

I'm Back!!! again!!!

Hello Everyone!!!! i've missed this place, have no idea why i've not been keeping up with it. laziness is my only answer but i'm back on board with weight watchers, i've lost 2lbs this week and i have spent some time today taking pics for HS:MS prompts!!! 1st Pic isn't a promt, but i have a weird thing about telegraph lines!!!! i love the way the lines fan out!!! i also like electricty pylons !!!! so welcome back and yes i am a werido!!!! Leaves Rust Weathers - the bottom of the Telegraph pole!!! Weathered. A Tree Stump in nextdoors front garden / could this be a Knot as well???? Knot - in the dining room ceilingChew - Cat Chew - looks minging but the cat says they are yummy Triangles Hold - Gum toHold my hair Succulent - the inside of some buns i baked from scratch!!!! As you can see i should be called Alfred The Minging pic i told u about - InscetsPour Slice Pipe Soaked Split contorted Thanks for visiting home you like and please leavea message to let me know you have been by!!! xxxxx

what a bad blogger am i

Ladies , Gents and small fury creatures i have neglected this blog for far too long!!! this weekend i will endeavour to catch up on the below listed Items Bracelet Chew Triangle Leaves Rust Hold Swing Pipe Knot Sniff Pour Wave Weathered Slice Insect Succulent Soaked Contorted Peep and Row now i may have already have done the bottom 2 before but can't remember but would like to do them again!!! i have plenty of ideas and i know i can do a lot of them at home tomorrow a couple need thinking about and i have one really gross one that i can do!!! ewwwwwww just thinking about it!!!
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