Friday, 22 August 2008

ABC 123

Or maybe not Suzy B has taken over and she is getting us to re-learn our alphabet in her own unique order!! haha well it is keeping us on our toes, this week i have been peeking and trying to think of promts to post S for Sugar S stumped me which it did for a lot of people, but my name begins with S so surly i will have loads of stuff with S's on it... well No is the simple answer and i don't know why. Monday night i stalked the inside of my house S S S S S S hmmmmmmmmmm nope Nada Nil could i see one. so i decided to draw one. Cheet i know but i did photograph it so can it count Then last night as i was stalking the outside for a Q V J i spotted the hanging basket bracket but from where i was stood it was reversed. This morning i went and stood at the bottom of the steps and Zoomed in!!! But as i stil here and type i can see another S in the magazine rack. V for Victory V now this one also proved trick as i'd had a sneeky peek at other people shots at this point n didn't want to "copy" but this morning i decided tio venture outside and on the floor was tape type stuff on the floor, i have no idea what it is or where it has come from, now i wasn't going ti use it as it looks slightly posed but i can promise you that it wasn't!!! J for Jericho easier than expected. Q for Quebec Easy peasy lemon Squeezy!!!! B for Boobies (ooooo er missus) haha not exactly boobies


Hazel said...

Great catch up for the letters - good idea for B (and, no, I couldn't do a 'Suzy' either!)

Photographing Mom said...

Nice finds! I think only SuzyB can do a Suzy! LOL

Aubrey Harns said...

Great shots - all of them. Your hand-draw "S" is spectacular!

Igotmebabe said...

Great catch ups

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