Sunday, 12 October 2008

Espania Alcanzar!!!!!

Buenas tardes y bienvenidos a mi blog. Acabo de casa de vacaciones en La Manga en la Costa Calida. Estoy a punto de publicar algunos captura de la que he tomado. Estoy Me encanta la nueva imagen del sitio y no puede esperar para el nuevo propts y voy a intentar mi mejor para jugar a lo largo de diario! Ok ok i own up. i can not speak any more spanish than my cat, with the excption of Hola and La Cuenta. i have used the power of igoogle translator and it prob makes no sence and i hope its not put in anything rude!!! the general gist if i can remeber is: goodevening and welcome to my blog. i have just got home from holiday in La Manga on the Costa Colida. i am going to post some catchup's iam loving the new site and can't wait for the up coming prompts i think really can't remeber!!! ops Bolsa / Bag

My Boots bag for life beach bag


The gate to the pool Punto / Point

I pointed to the spain word for point . crappy i know

Purpureo/ Purple

It really was purple not turned out too well Hedge round the corner from my apartment Enterence to my apartment block mmmmmmmmm sweeties BIG dinos skull - in a shopping centre and there was a school trip, why did my school never take me on a school trip to a shopping centre i could have fained intereseted in dinos for a wee while

Amor / Love Tranquil

1 comment:

stitch said...

Nice Blog!
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Take care...

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