Friday, 15 August 2008

I'm Back!!! again!!!

Hello Everyone!!!! i've missed this place, have no idea why i've not been keeping up with it. laziness is my only answer but i'm back on board with weight watchers, i've lost 2lbs this week and i have spent some time today taking pics for HS:MS prompts!!! 1st Pic isn't a promt, but i have a weird thing about telegraph lines!!!! i love the way the lines fan out!!! i also like electricty pylons !!!! so welcome back and yes i am a werido!!!! Leaves Rust Weathers - the bottom of the Telegraph pole!!! Weathered. A Tree Stump in nextdoors front garden / could this be a Knot as well???? Knot - in the dining room ceilingChew - Cat Chew - looks minging but the cat says they are yummy Triangles Hold - Gum toHold my hair Succulent - the inside of some buns i baked from scratch!!!! As you can see i should be called Alfred The Minging pic i told u about - InscetsPour Slice Pipe Soaked Split contorted Thanks for visiting home you like and please leavea message to let me know you have been by!!! xxxxx


Photographing Mom said...

Nice catch-up!

Igotmebabe said...

Great catch ups
Love the angle of the telegraph lines

The Cook said...

That's an amazing catch up. I usually give up if I miss just a couple of days, but you have done so many - fab! x

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