To be captured or help with no way out. Find something 'trapped' in your space today.
Meet Jamima Sparkle!!! This is next doors kitty, i went for a wander down the backin's to see what i could see!!! and there she was "trapped" behind a neighbors gate!!!

Just wanted to say a couple of things about yesterdays picture and my visit to Aushwitz.
before i went people had said no birds fly over, its eerily quiet, so to my surprise we pulled up in the car park, it was a bright warm day, birds were singing people where chattering away, as soon as you go through the visitors centre and past the gate "work brings freedom" the air changes, its quiet, even though you can see a motor way type road through the back fence, you can't hear or see any brids, its as if they know to stay away.
As you can see from the sky the weather had changed when we got to Birkenu, the sky was grey and the chill in the air was even more present.
I don't think you can fully understand it until you are there.
i'd also like to correct my mistake of saying European History i did mean World History!
oh cute kitty! I just love their little noses!
Love your shot - I'm allergic to cats so trapping them behind gates sounds Ok to me (so long as I'm the other side LOL) x
What a great picture!
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